About Us

Welcome to the Lucky Clover Company!

We are a family-owned online store founded and ran by mother and daughter. We both share a love for shopping, and have bounced around with the idea of opening our own online store for a few years now - a shop where we could put together both of our different styles and interests and share them with others.

We chose the name "The Lucky Clover Company," which holds a special significance for both of us. It stems from both of our childhood memories of sitting outside, searching for four-leaf clovers in the pasture (although many years apart). Our name does not revolve around our products, it reflects a special memory that connects us. This is a store where different interests come together; from both of our sides, bookish merchandise to southern style jewelry, we have a little bit of everything. 

Angela, the mother in our duo, hails from central Florida, where she was born and raised in country living. With a deep admiration for the southern charm and southwestern vintage styles, you’ll know which products were selected by Angela, her love for turquoise is obvious. 

Savana, the daughter in the duo, hails from central Florida as well, where she spent her childhood years living in the southern countryside. While influenced by the same southern charm as her mother, Savana's interests veer towards bookish merch, crystals, and all things retro. Embracing a fusion of a free-spirited, bohemian style and a deep appreciation for literature, she brings a distinct hippy and bookish flair to the shop.

The diverse range that both of us bring to this store is obvious. We both bring something different to the table, with us constantly finding more products that we want to share with you all. With our commitment to continuously expanding our product collections, there will always be a wide variety for everyone to discover something they truly love.

Our aim is to provide you with compelling reasons to choose our products. Each item in our collection is handpicked by our owners (to make sure they are perfect just for you) from a curated list of suppliers. We place a strong emphasis on affordability, ensuring that our products do not strain your budget. 

Thank you for checking out our shop! :)

- your gals at the lucky clover company 

Meet the Mother/Daughter Duo behind The Lucky Clover Company

Thank you for checking out our shop :)